Saturday, January 29, 2011

Lypo Spheric Vitamin C

As effective and absorbed intracellularly as IV doses. 5 packets daily is equal to  a 50 Gm Infusion  Please watch

Friday, January 28, 2011

Intravenous Vitamin C as a Cancer Treatment: Cancer Patients Survival Options

Intravenous Vitamin C as a Cancer Treatment: Cancer Patients Survival Options

Cancer Patients Survival Options

‎"In the war against cancer, Oncologists provide the artillery (but do nothing to support the soldier as they lose their appetite/weight), Intravenous Vitamin Restoration provides the soldier with the nutrition to negotiate the artillery, shield the body from the secondary harm of the artillery and provide the nutrition for the soldier to heal"...........Me
IVC Infusions , the missing treatment option in Cancer Care